The Company received the ISO 14001 certification for environmental management in October 1997, and obtained the ISO 9001 certification for quality management in August 2005. The Company has made the most of these certifications in its corporate management.
As from April 2008, the Company integrated these separate certifications into one unified system as IMS (Integrated Management System).
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The Company will continue to maintain both the Quality Management Systems (QMS) based on ISO 9001 and the Environmental Management Systems (EMS) based on ISO 14001 in order to ensure the following goals in conducting its activities related to equipment for separation and classification which is designed, manufactured and sold by itself.
1.The Company will aim to improve its business activities in order to better the products quality, keep strictly contractural delivery dates and reduce costs.
2.The Company will aim to preserve the global environment by implementing the reduction in the consumption of resources, the recycling of waste resources, the reduction of the waste amount, and the prevention of the environmental contamination.
3.The Company will aim to control the safety and health of its employees.
The Company hereby establishes the following basic policies of the Integrated Management Systems (IMS) in pursuing its business activities, acquaint all its employees of those policies and maintain them.
1.The Company will aim to improve its QMS continuously and raise the satisfaction level of our customers in order to meet the requirements related to quality control.
2.The Company will recognize the value of the preservation of the global environment, and aim to improve its EMS continuously and secure the harmony with the neighboring areas in its business activities.
3.The Company will aim to control the safety and health of its working places for the sake of the safety and health of its employees.
- Each department, section or group shall set its own yearly goals on the basis of the aforementioned corporate basic policies and the company's yearly policies, and shall review periodically the progress achieved of its action program.
- The Company shall let all its employees feel the obligation to execute the following actions, and shall acquaint them well with those required actions through its education, training and enlightenment.
1)To understand the importance of ‘the understanding of QMS’, ‘the improvement in consciousness of quality’ and‘the responsiveness to customers' requirements’.
2)To understand EMS, improve in consciousness of the environment, and prevent contamination.
3)To improve in consciousness of industrial safety and health, and reduce the relevant risk. - All the employees shall understand the Company's IMS relating to quality, environment and industrial safety & health, set by the Integrated Management Manual, and shall comply with the provisions set forth therein without exceptions.
- The Company shall comply with the laws and regulations relating to quality, environment and industrial safety & health and the requirements agreed to by itself, and shall strengthen and improve its corporate management on the basis of the Integrated Management Manual and the ISO provisions.
- The Company shall practice the Management Review and operate the PDCA Cycle to secure the continued improvement of the effectiveness of its IMS.
- In order to maintain the appropriateness of its IMS, the Company shall revise the aforementioned basic policies once in a year and disclose what is requested by outsiders in relation to it (if any).
The Company received an audit by a third-party auditing organization (SGS Japan) in July 2008. The Company will exert all endeavors to manufacture environment-friendly and high-quality products under the condition of its employees' safety & health by raising further the effectiveness of its Integrated Management Systems (IMS).